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Priceless Relaxation Testimonial

Great to be Back

September has appeared and it’s time to get back to The White House cancer Support after a lovely summer break.  Although it’s lovely to have a rest from running my relaxation support group, it’s also lovely to return. I do miss everyone.  I always look forward to getting back to our peaceful, calm, inspirational sessions. 

Long-standing Members

This year as we return, I’d like to share a beautiful testimonial of which has been written to have a place in my book.  It’s from one of my long-standing regulars of my group who attends almost every session.  Initially this lovely gentleman just came to try out the relaxation group, with a possibility of attending just an occasional session.  He had other priorities on a Thursday morning, but after attending a couple he enjoyed it so much that he never misses a session!

Making Sessions my Own

I find it truly heart-warming that people enjoy the sessions so much.  When I started as a volunteer at The White House Cancer Support back in November 2016, I would never have thought that the sessions would turn into what they are today.  I have developed them into something I am very proud of.  Initially when I first started in the role, I had thoughts of ‘How am I going to run these sessions?’, ‘What format will they take?’, ‘How will I know what to cover in them?’.  

Like most people starting a new position, many thoughts appear around what you are going to do in your role.  I needed not to be concerned. The sessions just flowed, adapted, adjusted, and were well received.  We have evolved with it. After all, I was coming from a place of my own experience with cancer.  I had already been on that cancer journey.  Sharing what I had learned and knew from my own experiences is what has made the sessions into what they are today.  Working with understanding the mind, and how we can use it to help us navigate through a stressful journey.  It was all that was required to run these sessions and make them my own. 

Testimonial Time

Here’s the wonderful testimonial I received … 

Priceless Relaxation

Michelle’s Relaxation Class for cancer patients is unique in my experience. I have a lifetime of wonderful discussion groups in many contexts aiming to improve people’s quality of life. But when I joined this group, I immediately felt at home; people spoke with amazing candour and confidence whatever their background and however sensitive or personal the subject.

Michelle has the qualities of an excellent chairperson and gradually the conversation develops into a topic for today. But to do this she also uses the knowledge and intuition of a life dedicated to Harmony Life Balance. The result is a focus for meditation agreed and understood by all. The meditation is always superb. Twenty minutes can pass like a moment. Afterwards I feel a total relaxation of mind and body, a wholeness, a feeling of being grounded and ready for the world. This is – simply – priceless. Many people share comparable results. Thanks Michelle. So, so much.

– PAH Dudley (June 2022)

Subject of the Day

As this wonderful testimonial suggests, we focus on the specific subject of the day.  This is taken from the conversations that I allow at the very start of the session.  It is, after all, our get together to relax and enjoy, inspire, and support each other.  For me, it is an important part of the session that needs to take place.  It’s where I choose to direct guidance from.  

With everyone catching up and chatting away, we get the general idea around what people in the session would like to discuss or require guidance with.  We then agree the subject for the meditation, where I guide the relaxation in a way to help create reassurance, release feelings of concerns, worry and other issues.  The fact that I run the sessions from a holistic aspect allows positive change in the areas that are required for that particular week.  

Flowing with Adjustment

I find that any sessions I have planned tends to get adjusted.  By listening to the initial conversations of the group gives me the guidance of where to direct the meditation and inspirational talk and techniques.  Yes, it is good to plan sessions, I have many techniques and ideas to share, but if it’s not relevant for that day, it’s time to make the adjustment.  

Tools in the Toolbox – Connecting with Intuition

It’s not productive to talk about subjects that members are not resonating with and won’t find beneficial in that moment.  I have my tools in my toolbox as they say, we just bring out the ones that are required when needed.  What I also enjoy is meditations that just come from no-where.  It’s almost like I’m guided to create the right meditation for the group in that moment.  It just flows.  Something I have learned to acknowledge deep within me.  Rather than being concerned with have done it right for members, I connect with trusting in the moment and in the guidance that comes to mind from my intuition and own cancer journey experiences. 

Final Words

Running a cancer Support group gives a great feeling of helping and supporting people, giving something back to the community. Something I treasure greatly. Specialising in cancer support is something I enjoy very much, I love my job! I am also grateful for the many testimonials which I have received.

The lovely words people share from their experiences of support whether it be from my groups or my private sessions, is of course reassuring to me as a therapist. We require that feedback to help us continue the work that we do. Any therapist will tell you that. You can venture over and see more of my testimonial here.

No matter what you find yourself going though, where you find yourself; working with the understanding of the mind and how it can help you in powerful ways is always worth investing in. It changed my life in ways I would never have contemplated. From those understandings, and now as a therapist sharing what I applied myself; I appreciate where I am, what I do, and the wonderful support I can offer to others.

For more information on support please enquire here.